Spring Meeting – Friday 24th May

On a lovely spring day in May, 45 Somerset Past Captains took part in the Spring Meeting.

Fortified by a bacon bap the players took to the course to play in a 4BBB competition from a two tee start.

The course was in great condition and as you walked around it was exhilarating to see the smattering of yellow and maroon navigating through trees, hunting in the rough, listening to the splash of ball in water and cheering and encouraging the good shots played from the fairways.

Scoring was excellent with the most notable being the 37 points gained by Dave Willis who due to illness played on his own.  His overall score was boosted by a randomly drawn partner but this only increased his pair score to 38!

There were 3 scores of 43 who had to be separated by their back nine scores but the overall winners were President Roy Parmiter and Simon Waddington with an astounding 44 points.

After a well received and filling carvery meal, presentations were made to the nearest the pin winners, and the top four placed pairs.

Mike Rossiter stated that “As Somerset Captain can I say what a pleasure it is, when your job is made easy by people that understand.  As past captains yourselves, you don’t ask stupid questions, you all turned on time.  Everyone made the day special, I hope everyone enjoyed as much as myself and all the officers involved.”

Alan Hurford and Nigel Wixon were thanked for acting as starters and Iain Robertson appeared as special guest.  Thanks to all three.

The organiser Ian Gover would like to echo this with his thanks going to Mike Rossiter and Rob Fear for their work at Enmore and Paul Chesney for his help with the finances.

All the Captains would like to thank Enmore Park for hosting us and especially the bar and catering staff for looking after us so well.

Spring Meeting 2024
Ian Gover

Minehead 2021